Canadian CA Domain Name Registrations Registrar and Web Site Hosting Services


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Login to start building your web site
(Please refer to the welcome email for the login details.
This login is not the same as the sibername account login.)



You can easily build your web site by using one of the 3 Web Site Building tools we offer. Each tools has its pros and cons and you can choose and use any of the tools and also switch to another option free of charge.

WebSiteMatic - SohoLaunch

WebSiteMatic - rvSiteBuilder

WebSiteMatic - Joomla

This Domain is Hosted by Canadian Web Site Hosting Services
ICANN, CIRA and EURID Accredited Registrar CA Domain Name Registrations



©2000 - 2004 Sibername Canadian Business Domain Names Registration and Business Web Site Hosting Canada Inc.
Phone: (800)613-8915 Fax: (613) 482-4626
Address: 275 Slater Street, Suite 900, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5H9, CANADA.
All rights reserved.
At Siber Name, you can do it all at one stop, a full service Web Solutions and Web Presence provider.

Ottawa | Montreal | Toronto | Halifax | Vancouver | Victoria | Calgary | Edmonton | Winnipeg | Saskatoon